Thursday, June 22, 2006

Feel the love...

I have recieved my first angry austrialian comment, so here is a anti-angry austrialian, cute-ishy story.

Thier eyes met across a crowded room...

It got all hot and sweaty...

And then a little one was born...

Not too soon after a portal opened from a parralel dimension.

An evil overlord pops out (who just so happens to be humanoid) and makes his demands for a bowl of rice crispes and world domination or else...

So then the young plucky kid and his sidekick, kick the evil michael caine back to his parralel dimension in some kind of cool Captian Bucky'O'Hare manner...

Sadly the side kick dies... the plucky young hero however soon forgets all about him and fucks the promp queen, the end.


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